Life is a drama of sorts. Have you ever wondered why several students sit in the same hall for years and on graduation, only few can be counted as truly successful? The answer can be unveiled from the story of one erudite personality who is currently making waves globally.

Pastor Korede Komaiya, Presiding Pastor of The Master’s Place International Church, spent twenty productive years serving and being tutored, under the Icon of Faith, Bishop David Oyedepo of the Living Faith Church Worldwide. So successful and evidently useful was his service stint, the Bishop himself affirmed, “you never gave me pain all these years”.

While some other pastors saw themselves as salary earners, Pastor Korede Komaiya saw himself as a partaker with the undertaker. In other words, he saw himself as one called alongside Bishop Oyedepo, and this mind positioning led to his taking the assignment so seriously that he considered no sacrifice too big provided it was going to further the course of God’s Servant, the Bishop.

So dogged was his followership that at a point he stopped using his monthly salary for himself, He considered it only proper to give it back to the accounts office for projects in church. Also, he wouldn’t stop sowing relentlessly into the life of Bishop David Oyedepo, whom he considers his revered father in the Lord.

Some pastors had the impudence of refusing to be posted to certain locations whenever they received a letter to that effect, or ‘disappearing from the radar’ when they arrive at beautiful foreign postings. Pastor Korede Komaiya never considered any posting a form of punishment. He always dived headlong into it as a faithful and diligent missionary whether in the deserts of West Africa, the Muslim north or rural westlands of Nigeria or the seemingly more attractive cities in the southern parts of Africa, always coming back to base with outstanding results in record time. It has always been his habit to never complain, even when he would pass through obvious hardship in some of these terrains.

Indeed, we can rightly say that grace found Pastor Korede Komaiya and his amiable wife, Pastor Esther Komaiya because of unrivalled loyalty and diligent service.

Till date, it is always his habit to sow financial and material seeds of honor to the Bishop and even extending same to Mummy Faith Oyedepo and the entire family. Should we make mention of cars? He has continually sowed not a few luxurious brands to this great Man of God. Should we speak of landed properties? Not a few!

Bishop Oyedepo will not be hosting a major global event that will not attract the religious attention of Pastor Korede Komaiya. In the twinkling of an eye, he will be at Canaan land to attend. Nothing will make him host a program at his church during such periods. Pastor KK as he is popularly called, would disconnect from anyone that so much as mentions Bishop Oyedepo’s name in the slightest shadow of a bad light. No one dare speak condescendingly of this icon in his presence. It will mean the inglorious end of a relationship with such a person. Wherever he goes, he would defend Bishop Oyedepo with all his might. As a firm believer in the concept of ‘Full Identification’ with a proven carrier of grace, he follows Bishop Oyedepo unashamedly without reservations in his heart. No wonder today, none can dare Pastor KK and not receive a fatal judgemental punishment from God. It is the case of a loyal son, on whom an inheritance of ‘touch not’ has been bestowed.

At a time, Papa (Bishop Oyedepo) asked and declared, “Komaiya, is it me you have honoured like this? Come up to my level!”. We are all witnesses to the obvious outcome of this fatherly pronouncement. Pastor KK has entered a cruising level of grace ever since.

Pastor Korede Komaiya has always believed that God will reward the “partaker with the undertaker”, to the level that He rewards the actual undertaker. Today as a son, and as a man of great sacrifice, this belief has continued to work wonders for him.

The proofs of these are numerous. We cannot completely enumerate the totality of the replication of the exact grace upon the Bishop, actively at work in Pastor KK’s life and ministry. We see it in the way multitudes of people flock into the services at the Master’s Place international Church (both Mid-week and Sundays). Dare I mention the massive influx of international delegates from all continents of the world that overwhelms hotels in the city whenever he organizes special conferences? Or the multitude of hungry souls that parks out venues of his international crusades and conferences?

Just as amazing miracles have trailed the teachings of the Bishop right from the onset of The Living Faith Church, nothing short of the same has been the case for Pastor KK in life and ministry. He has witnessed the supernatural power of God manifest in miraculous healings and deliverances in practical terms.

Through his reformative and restorative delivery of the word of God, his ministry continues to draw multitudes, as people from all walks of life are touched by his teachings and apostolic leadership both in two expressions of his church services – Church Unusual and Another Level. One is held in awe as hopeless situations experience a new surge of life because one man dared to believe in the power of honoring and being loyal to his upline.

It is not a surprise that Pastor KK’s life is bearing fruits in accordance with the faith family that he belongs to. At Warri, Delta State Nigeria where his ministry is headquartered, God is building a multi-billion naira state of the art edifice, the Dreamland. This breathtaking project fast nearing completion shall be a major landmark in that city.

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Today, multitudes benefit from Pastor KK’s scholarship program, which extends from nursery school to the university level. Widows and the underprivileged in their multitudes are constant beneficiaries of his magnanimity and generosity. Those who work closely with him attest to an exceptional staff welfare package, one that is rare to find anywhere on earth. In addition to the fact that all staff members receive educational scholarships for their children, they also enjoy special allowances, provided periodically, further enhancing their well-being.

On the home front, this ardent loyalist of Bishop Oyedepo is experiencing what he often calls a Heaven-on-Earth marriage, blessed with four upwardly mobile young men.

For a man who went on a ‘dangerous’ seed sowing spree after he came out from the Winners Chapel, to the extent that he almost came down to zero level, today his level of wealth is a testimony so humongous that it will take his one time contemporaries many light years to reach his height.

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In all, Pastor KK has consistently demonstrated a remarkable grace in the three key areas of ministry: Miracles, Multitudes, and Money (financial prosperity) which undoubtedly is the same feat being commanded by Bishop David Oyedepo.

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